to all my trusty (six) followers:
i would like to announce that i am moving to denmark.
yes, i know, cry if you must.
pappa is being moved back because he's been overseas for 19 years and well, the big boss wants him back in dk, so back we go. though i've never lived there so i suppose i'm not really going "back" as such, rather than just moving there. being danish and speaking fluent danish will probably be a big help when i move, though my danish generally sucks ghetto booty and i don't know how danish i really am after spending my whole life in singapore and australia, but deep deep, deep deep deep deep down i'm danish. so there you go, i'm moving "back to my roots" as mommy keeps putting it. just when they told me though, i burst into tears and had a near disastrous moment when i almost vomitted into my salmon dinner. but after i had a good cry, i started looking at the up sides. such as shopping. though you're alright sportsgirl, you just don't compare to topshop, h&m, zara and urban outfitters, oh my god, urban outfitters you are god. and riding uber cool bikes everywhere without mandatory helmets? yes pleaaasee, though i haven't improved my steering since 1998. then theres the main shopping street in copenhagen (or koebenhavn as it actually is), stroeget.
for anyone who hasn't been there, which would be 95% of my followers, this is just akuhdsdcndiufbdsufds. it's the longest pedestrian shopping area in europe (need i say more?) and it has h&m, topshop, urban outfitters, zara, as well as little danish boutiques and high-end shops such as gucci and louis vuitton. although its veeery busy, i guess it's all part of the experience.

incase you didn't notice, i'm excited to move to denmark. the cobblestone streets, the old buildings everywhere, the city which hardly has a skyscraper, the white christmases (did i mention that it snowed yesterday in dk?), the uber cool people, the bikeriding, excessive windturbines, country sides with fields and flowers and ponies (australia, you fail at fields), i just love it! although, let me tell you, you can't get cheap sushi like you can here at any street corner, you can only get sushi from a proper sushi restaurant and it costs a fortune. and no one in denmark seems to know what a sweet potato is? and in case you weren't aware, i live off sweet potato, so major problemo. and i think i might get a triple bypass sometime in my first year seeing as denmark is the land of well, the danishs. and REAL danishes, not the fake gross "danishes" from bakers delight. i'm sorry to ruin this for you, but they neither taste good nor are danish. but just all the bakeries and cocio (i'll send you a lifetime supply flo), which by the way is the best thing known to mankind. it's chocolate milk and it's so rich and so chocolatey and so thick, not like that fake stuff they sell in australia, moove or whatever, it's not chocolate milk it's watered down cocao powder. and then we have my favourite pastry of all time, hindbaersnitter. mmmm, my arteries are getting clogged just thinking about it. so see, if you're mad at me for moving away, just remember that karma is going to come around and kill me, one kilo of danish pastry goodness at a time.
i'm happy for you...
you know who this is.
i actually happen to live off bakers delight danishes so as soon as you get there your sending me a food package of all the mentioned yummies :)
o and in your little denmark advertisement you forgot to talk about everyone feeling hugar or hoobloo or whatever :D
and i hate you for abandoning me.
best post yet :)
i love all the photos an i even remember where everything is from when i visited your homeland.
even though i will miss you incredibly, i hope and now you will have an amazinggggg timmeee.
it just gives me more excuses to vitit you and one of my favorite places IN THE WORLD!
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