December 30, 2009

december 31

i've come to realise that i hate new years.
though i'm not much of a night owl anyways and i'm going to struggle keeping awake just to see the fireworks which last all but a minute.
when people say "oh i wonder what this new year will bring!" - i couldn't care less. just because the date has changed, doesn't mean anything else will. the same things are happening in the world today, tomorrow, last week, or next year. i tend to think of new year's eve as sunday night, and tomorrow i'm going to have to get up and do that same things that i do every week, all through monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday, oh hey look it's sunday night! tomorrow it'll be monday then tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday anddd sunday! and before you know it, it's been a whole week, or a year, that you'll never get back, so i hope you enjoyed every single waking moment because it's gone forever you know. and if you didn't, well too bad.
but hey it's a new year! maybe in 2010 you'll enjoy every moment, and make resolutions which you'll forget before you wake up in a strangers backyard with a tacky paper party hat around your ankle late on the first of january. and if that year fails as well, tough because it's gone. call me optimistic if you must, but all we're celebrating is that we've run out of months so we're back to the beginning again. but here's a reason to celebrate: you get to buy a new calendar! and that's about as exciting as new years gets.
and i'd just like to point out that more-so here in australia than anywhere else, new year's is seen as a passable excuse for wearing nothing but sequins, six-inch heels (honey, everyone can tell you got them from payless..) a frangipani tattoo, and get so drunk off VB beer in a crowd of overly touchy-feely mullets. sounds like your idea of heaven? well be my guest, just remember that in less than 48 hours you're back at work and getting on without constantly needing to celebrate that the date has changed, until 362 days later when, to everyone's surprise, the year is changing again! better get your skank on 'cause here we go again.

and with that, i'd like to wish everyone a happy january

1 comment:

Flo Orford said...

i've never heard you sound so stuck up and 'superior' in my whole of knowing you.
especially with the 'honey we all know you got them from payless'
so what if she did? maybe she doesnt have a lot of money? or she just really liked them?
calm down on the preaching