November 11, 2009

gastro as told by freddie

stress + dehydration + heat + exhaustion + anticipation + gastro + tummy bug + food poisoning is a match made in heaven. if you like lying on your back all day staring at the ceiling, counting glow in the dark stars because everything else makes you run for the bathroom, then this is your kinda thing. i think i've lost five kilos since this morning, etleast i can now see bones that weren't there before. and the constant changes of being extremely cold/extremely hot is really just the cherry on top. waking up at 2.34am because you think you got sprayed and drenched by a hose anyone? welcome to my last 24 hours, full of fun, fever and flu. sorry to disappoint all those lovely follower(s) of mine but i won't be in tomorrow, in case this bunch of lovin is contagious and i ruin camp/formal for 130 people.

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